Figure 1. Intro image for Recru.

Recru - A recruitment app for iOS.

A hassle-free way to get access to a pool of talent and make your workflow faster.

Problem Statement

How might we simplify tasks for hiring managers while making it easy to get the right candidate?

Recruiters typically manage a large number of job openings (job requisitions) per day, each with several candidates ranging from a few to a few hundred. These candidates must go through stages; be reviewed, screened, interviewed, etc. This process is coordinated with the Hiring Manager

To ensure that they are making progress on all their job requisitions, each day recruiters must decide what requisitions need their attention and action, and each recruiter determines this differently. This can range from number of new candidates, how close the job is to being offered, how many days the job has been open, or low number of applicants, to name a few.

My role Duration Tools
  • UX designer
  • Visual designer
  • Interaction designer

3 days

  • Paper and pencil
  • Figma
  • Sketch

Research Insights

  1. 1. Deal with large number of data in the interface – 100s
  2. 2. Allow users to manage the candidate’s journey
  3. 3. Make it clear for the user their priorities – allow them to control priorities, ability to allocate resources to specific cases
  4. 4. Had done some research on other competitors in the market like Lever, Greenhouse and Smart Recruiters
Discovery Design Prototype Iterate Usability Testing
  • Competitive Analysis
  • User Interviews
  • Mind mapping
  • User Journey
  • Wireframes
  • Figma prototype
  • Testing
  • Develop KPIs
  • Zoom Meetings
  • Card Sorting


User research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methodologies. For me user research is “the process of understanding the impact of design on an audience”.

User needs
Ease of use User control Error recovery Communication Collaboration

Interface should allow users to easily achieve their goals

Users need to control the interface through providing tools for edition, etc.

Allows user to browse through the system without any concern – System should allow user to make mistakes and easily recover

Users need to easily communicate with colleagues, superiors and candidates – interface should provide communication system

Users need to collaborate whilst resourcing candidates – allow co-sourcing.

System needs
Workflow management Manage tasks Communication Responsive

Searching candidates, sourcing, reviewing cvs, and tracking candidates – Interface should allow users manage workflows rather than only individual content

Allow users to create and post jobs.

Specific communication tools

Mobile ready application – Responsive


With common scenario’s in place, we were able to define detailed personas, using their vast data pool. I came up with personas to show a hiring manager as well as a young professional. This further helped recognise that different people have different needs and expectations, and it can also you to identify tasks. This helped break down tasks and make it less complex as a guide to the ideation processes. The personas looked something like this:

Figure 3. The personas.
Persona #1 Persona #2
Name & Job Kelly, Young professional Marcus, Hiring Manager
Age group 18-26 y.o. 28-44 y.o.
Motivation and benefits of product usage

Need to find job vacancies of her interest. Checking job descriptions and comparing.

Fast and reliable way to check tasks and updates in one place.

Often while on commute. In the morning while checking on mails and messages.

Need and context of use

A quick way to select tasks, navigate to sessions, and check priorities.

Often during the day between meetings.

Way to product

Job site recommendations, friends.

Recommended by company.

Digital literacy



Recrut's personas.
Figure 5. Activities.

To get a better understanding of the tasks at hand I had created some simple storyboards to show the chain of events I had in mind. These reference drawings later helped develop assets for the onboarding screens for the app.

Figure 5. Storyboard.


With proper planning, we were able to confidently move into creating wireframes for the app. We took the decision to focus more on the functionality and structure of the app, opting for low-fidelity wireframes with very little detail. Ultimately, we could add design elements in later, what was important for our users, was that the product (above all) was clear and simple.

paper wireframes
Figure 6. Recru’s paper wireframes.
User Journey Map

Based on a defined user flow I created a prototype in Figma.

Persona Goals

Marcus - Hiring Manager

  • To be able to keep track of job applications
  • To be able to communicate in a timely manner
  • To be able to plan or schedule tasks
user journey
Figure 7. Hiring Manager's user journey.
Task flow

The task flow gives an idea of a single interaction of a user logging in and then exploring the app going about selecting a candidate and either calling him/her or setting up a meeting with the candidate.

task flow
Figure 8. Mobile task flow.


As decided on raw paper wireframes we wanted to have a filter to search through candidates quickly, and also reply back to them or send messages or emails to other team members in the process.

Desktop mockup
Figure 9. Desktop Mockups.

Mobile UI Design

Although designed with the intent to be used as an iOS app, the mobile designs had to be in line with the look and functionality of the desktop app.

mobile design
Figure 10. Visual Design, Interaction design and React Code.

Extras - On boarding screens

Although not asked for I felt this could add some value to users finding their way through the app the first time. This of course needs to be validated as to whether onboarding screens are required by users.

Figure 11. Onboarding.


To check if the new design works or not, additional usability tests should take place.

Finally, the feedback from the experts and users was positive and main advices on continuing exploring the interaction using different visual cues as well as exploring the interactivity of the system. The comfort and usability were highly improved on the final design. The visual cueing system proved to be effective under several circumstances.

Date May, 2020
Type Mobile application, Prototyping design